
Stephanie Grainger

Principal Investigator

Stephanie completed her PhD with David Lohnes at the University of Ottawa in 2012, where she worked on how Cdx transcription factors regulate intestinal development in mice. For her postdoctoral studies, she joined the laboratories of David Traver and Karl Willert at the University of California San Diego (UCSD) to study how Wnt signaling affects hematopoietic stem cell development. Now she’s interested in learning more about how Wnt signaling makes stem cells work!

Favorite cell signaling molecule: beta-catenin

Nikki Nguyen

Lab Manager, Head Technician and Morale Engineer

Nikki graduated from the University of California San Diego with a Bachelors Degree in Physiology and Neuroscience. She completed her Masters degree in Biology at UCSD, studying Wnt and Fzd interactions on the cell surface. She is currently continuing this work to determine what occurs inside the cell after Wnt and Fzd interact.

Favorite cell signaling molecule: EGFR

Dwayne Sese

Undergraduate Student

Dwayne is an Undergraduate at San Diego State University pursuing a bachelor’s degree in biology. Stem cells have been a big part of his choice to pursue biology and will strive to hone his lab skills to better facilitate and improve the goals of the lab’s research.

Favorite cell signaling molecule: Fzd9

Grainger Lab Alumni

Jordan Setayesh (Undergraduate student and volunteer)- MD/PhD student