Join Us

Are you interested in joining us? See the instructions at the bottom of this page.

Our lab studies how Wnt signaling affects stem cells in humans and zebrafish. We are seeking responsible, reliable and enthusiastic team members to work with us. You don’t need any prior experience or expertise! But, we really do need you to be highly committed. We offer an environment based in teamwork, mutual respect and hard work. Successful applicants should be eager to learn, and to contribute to the lab environment. Zebrafish and cells do often require care on the weekend.

Graduate students are trained in experimental design and execution, scientific communication, and critical thinking. We have a wide range of projects suitable for many levels, and we strive to produce excellent data. I expect that all of my students contribute to publications before graduating. We will consider applications from JDP and MS students.

Undergraduate students are given the opportunity to work on projects that contribute to publications, in addition to contributing to the daily operations of the lab. To ensure our mutual success, you must be able to commit to 15-20 hours per week, in 3-4 hour blocks minimum. This program is an excellent opportunity for students interested in pursuing research to participate in laboratory tasks and also to learn basic molecular biology and scientific experimentation skills. Students who are successful as volunteers are able to pursue projects for credit if desired. Applicants need not have laboratory experience, we are happy to teach! It is, however, essential that candidates are dedicated to the position. Those who are unable to commit at least 15 hours per week for one year should not apply.

TO APPLY: Please send a resume, unofficial transcripts and a cover letter explaining your interest in the lab as a PDF to Stephanie.